Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Harroop's Godfather: Week 4

Literary Features:

  • One literary feature that I saw in the movie is foreshadowing. Before Don Corelone got shot there were oranges that Don Corelones was holding and was shown while he was heading towards is car. Then before he died there was also oranges shown. This reminded me of in 1984 when Winston tries to remember a poem which is "Oranges and Lemons"Say the bells of St. Clements"I owe you five farthings"Say the bells of St. Martin's". Which may not be very important but it seems that oranges link to death in some way.
  • Another part of the movie which I didnt understand is when there is a child crying constanty in the movie in the Corleone family and I think it represents something wrong occuring in the family even though no one is paying attention to it outside of the walls and people who are actually part of the business only really know what is happening. Kay is really the only one who knows what is going on and sees it happening.

Hero or a Villian:

  • Although it seems like Michael is being a villian by killing his brother in law, he was actually being fair becaue he kills anyone who goes against him or betrays him and that even if Carles is in the family he cannot let emotions over come him and feel bad for him, and this represents a hero who sacrifies his sister's love for being fair and being powerful and being a good new godfather. This is why I think Michael is a hero even if he may not have shown it directly he is doing it for good by doing what people think is immoral or evil. Even though Connie hated Michael and he knew that would happen Michael did it because Carles decieved his own family but eventually Connie would realize that he use to hit her which was worse than him being alive which was better for the greater good.


  • Michael seems to have changed and be cold hearted and didnt seem to be affected by his father's death however before his father was shot he was far more emotional and that is when we started to notice that he was becoming the godfather.
  • I thought the scene which seemed to me as the climax was incredibly interesting which was of Michael becoming godfather to Connie and Carles' daughter and in between there are scenes which are violent and people are being killed. In my opinion this may represent how Michael is becoming the godfather and how he is controlling around him by being a part of the family while people are being killed under his order.
  • There was also a major change in Michael's behavior with women like when he was with Apollonia he was far more polite but after that he wasnt the same he started to yell at Kay after becoming the new godfather.
  • One scene which was beautiful, was the ending when Michael is in the room where he does business with people his employees and Kay is looking through the door from the kitchen and in my opinion this represents how there is a seperation between family and business but Kay knows exactly what is going on and perhaps she has now lost Michael. In the end the door closes the movie but the tears in Kay's eyes and as she looks at Michael through the door it seems like there has to be more to the story because it does not look like the story is completed.

1 comment:

  1. Harroop: nice comments. I also appreciate the ending of the film because it seems, as you say, unfinished. Because the film deals with grey-area morality and dark princes, a "happy ending" would seem somehow inappropriate and fake.
