Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Harroop's Godfather Week 2

Human Condition:
  • In the godfather I see Michael as a character who trys hard to rebel against his family and run away as far as possible from the truth that his family is the most powerful gang in New York. From what we have seen I think Michael is someone who is trying to find himself and is not even aware of who he is becoming. Michael reminds me a lot of Marjane who is fighting to find her idenity and only finds out who he is through experience and life changing events like Michael. This is also an archtype of a quest for idenity. Since Michael's father,Don Coreleone was shot and nearly killed he has become someone different from who we met in the starting of the film. When he is planning a meeting with the Coreleone gang to kill Sollozzo, Michael starts to become the leader of the gang, the way he talks, his clothes and even the way he is sitting starts to make him look a lot like his father. In the begining of the film, he is wearing his army uniform and does not even associate with his family. Like Michael Marjane is someone who is fighting for freedom and goes against the Irian law by drinking and having a boyfriend, however while trying to be free she gets married to her boyfriend but then later realizes that she did exactly what she was going against and was being trapped.
Class Act:
  • During our class Mr.Mcguigan made a insightful comment on Michael being a foil of his brothers. He has all the characteristics of his 3 brothers. Like fredo he starts off with being a coward but later on he starts to become a thinker like his brother Tom and then like Sunny he becomes a little revengeful which can be good and bad. But I also think he exhibits characteristics of his father, he is someone people can believe, respect and persuades. With all these characteristics he can be The next Godfather.
  • An archtype which I think is in this movie is of a quest for vengence because we know that Michael planned to kill Sollozzo and the police officer even though they wanted to make a truce. He wanted to get revenge for his father which could make him a hero for his family but in others eyes also someone who is a villian. He is someone who starts off with being rebellious towards his family but soon gets dragged back to his family because of emotions and starts to join the business. So it is a journey of being a villian and by becoming a part of his family again he might be considered good or a hero for his family.


  1. I tend to disagree with what you have said about Michael Harroop. I think that Michael does understand who he is. He wants to defend America, but is starting to understand that America does not like his families culture. Also you should do a little proofreading.


  2. I disagree with you, when you mentioned that Michael is trying to rebel against his family. He is not doing it to run away, I think that he is doing it because his father wants him to be normal and not become a mafia gangster. Therefore, Vito Corleone had to let some things slip and allowing Michael to go to war, just so that he could look normal. In the beginning Michael does not have a clear understanding of what is happening in the family business.
