Sunday, May 3, 2009

Harroop's Godfather Week 1


Don Corleone: He is the main character who people respect but fear and is the leader of the Corleone gang/family.

Michael: Don Corleone's younger son. He is the outsider who excludes himself from his family

Sunny: Don Corleone's older son, who follows his father but does not seem to have to much interest in the family business or is not very good at it.

Tom Hagen: He is Corleone's patient adviser who does more in Don Corleone's family business then his own son's.

Kay: She is the seductive love of Michael's life, who also seems to be an outsider like Michael.

Do Humans like the same type of story?

  • I think this question is really interesting because a lot of people like the same type of story or movie and so did people from generations before. The reason why I found this interesting is because The Godfather is also remaked as a Hindi movie named Sarkar, it was a bit different with the same storyline and was huge hit in India. Even though it was presented to people across the world from North America, with very different cultural values the movie was loved. If you put some from Canada and someone from India they probably would never be able to get along and their thinking would be completely opposite. But it is interesting that human minds may be built to like the same type of stories

1 comment:

  1. The part where you said"does not seem to have to much interest in the family business or is not very good at it." why would the other people in the family listen to him such as Tom if they knew he was not very good in leading the family?Wouldnt Tom want the best for the family?Is it because they are scared of sonny?
